Jack Pritchard
Associate Manager
At HURST, Jack’s main role involves conducting audits and preparing annual accounts for a wide range of clients. He actively communicates with clients to grasp their business operations and unique requirements, enabling him to enhance the quality of the services provided.
I love my role because...
In my role, I collaborate with a diverse group of interesting clients, ensuring that each week brings fresh experiences and new challenges. The satisfaction of contributing to their business growth makes this job truly fulfilling.
My favourite thing about HURST is...
The people and the new office which really represents how far the firm has developed in recent years.
Our clients choose HURST because...
Our team excels at collaboration, always prioritising our clients’ needs first. We remain flexible and readily available to offer support and guidance.
When I imagine HURST in 2031...
I envisage a much larger team, with familiar team members playing a central role in the firm’s development. We will still be at the forefront of digital advancements and innovation while still standing by our values.
Favourite place for a client coffee...
Anywhere with some live sport in the background!